Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Excerpt from the Interview.
"Whether Nigerians like it or not, LGBT right are recognised human right. Unless you can prove that Lesbians, Gay, Bis3xuals, and Transs3xual are not human being, then you have no right to deny them of their fundamental right here in Nigeria.
Unfortunately many Nigerians believe in the concept of sin, First, we must know that sin is a religious concept,not every one in Nigeria is religious. And moreover religious is a individual matter so why try to force someone into your way.
When i am told that i am a sinner, i tell them that their Quaran or Bible,or whatsoever religious book they are using is not my constitution, so why read them to me anyway.
What thing Nigerians needs to understand is that the bis3xual , homo s3xual, as3xual, are as natural as heteros3xual. Our orientation on s3xuality differs, we all are born with an innate to be emotionally or s3xually attracted to someone or not to be, either the same s3x or opposite sex.
It makes no sense when Christians gay accusers quotes Leviticus 18:22 to justify why there is a need for people praticing homos3xuality to be jailed or stoned.
Leviticus also said you should not shave, not talk to a woman during her menstrual cycle, not eat shrimp or shell, fish Leviticus 11:6-10.
My immediate family know my s3xual orientation and they are supporting me all the way. My non-believe in the existence of God does not connect with my bis3xuality. It has only helped me to challenge all those Christian bullies who are using their religious book to justify their ill treatment on those who want to express their emotions.
Many Africans are using this books to oppress their own, even when the original owners of the religion have told them that the book has been updated, that some part are no more applicable, yet they insist it must be applicable, that the book say so and it must be done that way. So pathetic.

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